So you’ve got your eye on that hot girl, but it looks like you’re headed to the FRIEND ZONE! (cue: horror movie style jarring chords)
OK don’t fret. Yet. There are ways you can avoid falling into the friend zone and being seen as just that ‘nice guy’ while your sexy friend runs off with one of your mates. Yeah that sucks.
We’re gonna help you convey your romantic feelings effectively, break that sexual tension and hopefully get her to go from being simply your girl pal to your girlfriend.
Yup. Let’s make sure you get de friend zoned ASAP.
What is the meaning of the term friend zone?
The friend zone refers to that awkward situation when a guy and a girl have some sexual tension that is unrealised. Rather than confront their true romantic feelings, they muddle along as friends and avoid any potential romantic situations.
While this might be fine for many, after all having girl pals is great, there might be a special someone who you really don’t want to end up being friend zoned with.
The term was popularized by the 1994 film Clueless, in which Alicia Silverstone’s character Cher Horowitz says: “You’re just so dang nice! You never want to go out with me or do anything fun!”
The friend zone can be avoided by showing your romantic interest early on. If you don’t make it clear that you’re interested in more than friendship from the beginning, then it will be harder for her to realize how much she likes you later on when all signs point towards romance. And if she does realize this fact, she may feel too awkward or guilty about leading you on when all along she had no intention of dating him (or else felt pressured into doing so).
Furthermore, once someone has entered into this dreaded state known as “the friend zone,” it can be hard to get out. And, worse still, it can result in some resentment or even strained relationships.
So with that in mind, how can you make sure you escape the friend zone and get her romantically attracted to you….?
Tips for Showing Your Romantic Interest
First things first, being clear about how you feel is key. If you like her like that, making it crystal clear that you’re interested in more than being just friends is going to be a major foundation in your quest to the next step.
In short… You need to get flirting my friend. (Read our guide to flattery and flirting right here)

1. Make Sure Your Body Language Communicates Attraction
Body language is a very powerful tool for communicating attraction, and it’s important to make sure that your body language is communicating your interest in a person.
This means standing or sitting close to them, maintaining eye contact, smiling, and mirroring their body language.
Touch can also be a powerful tool, though it’s important to make sure that you’re not making someone uncomfortable with your touch.
2. Offer Compliments and Start Conversations
Offering compliments and starting conversations is a great way to show your interest in someone. When you compliment someone, make sure that it’s genuine and specific to them.
It’s also important to start conversations that are interesting and engaging; this will help build a connection between the two of you.
3. Spend Time with Them in Settings that are Romantic
Spending time with someone in settings that are romantic is a great way to show your interest in them.
This could be as simple as going for a walk in a park or having a picnic together. It’s important to make sure that the setting is comfortable for both of you and that it’s clear that you’re interested in spending time together in a romantic context.
How to Make a Move
When you’re ready to make a move, don’t be afraid to be direct. If she’s interested in you, she’ll let you know fairly quickly and the two of you can start dating.
However, there are some cultural differences that may affect how women respond to your advances.
For example, while North American and European women might seem quite open, they often prefer a more respectful approach. Make it obvious, but avoid crude references unless they’ve really expressed an interest.
In Asian countries, it can be complicated. Thailand and the Philippines tend to be very open sexually, with flirting accepted. But countries such as India or China can be much more tricky to navigate, especially for foreigners.
South American women are also used to men being direct, with macho posturing and catcalls. So a more subtle and respectful approach, while being direct, should bring some great results.
So keep this in mind when approaching potential partners–it might not always go smoothly but don’t give up hope yet!
Another important thing: confidence goes far when trying something new like dating someone new whom hasn’t been previously approved by another person yet (like yourself). Just remember one thing above all else: Be Yourself!
Check out our tips on how to ask a girl to hookup!

Avoiding Awkwardness
It can be easy to get things confused and feel awkward when trying to get your girl. But there are some simple things to remember to avoid it getting awkward or damaging your relationship.
Don’t be Too Pushy
It’s important to make sure that you’re not being too pushy when trying to show your romantic interest. This means respecting someone’s boundaries and not pressuring them into anything that they’re not comfortable with. It’s okay to express your interest, but it’s important to do so in a way that is respectful and considerate of the other person’s feelings.
Be Respectful of Their Boundaries
Everyone has boundaries, and it’s important to respect those boundaries when trying to show your interest in someone. If someone is not comfortable with physical touch, for example, then it’s important to make sure that you’re not making them feel uncomfortable by touching them. It’s also important to respect their boundaries when it comes to emotional intimacy; not everyone is comfortable with opening up right away, and it’s important to be patient and considerate of that.
Don’t Take Rejection Personally
Rejection is never easy, but it’s important to remember that it’s not a reflection of your worth as a person. If someone is not interested in pursuing a romantic relationship with you, it doesn’t mean that there’s anything wrong with you; it simply means that the two of you are not a good match. It’s important to be gracious and respectful in the face of rejection, and to move on with grace and dignity.
How to Read Signals
If you want to avoid the friend zone, it’s important that you pay attention to body language. Does she seem interested in what you’re saying? Are her eyes focused on your face or do they wander elsewhere? Is she leaning toward or away from you? If she doesn’t seem comfortable with how close the two of you are sitting together, give her some space.
If there’s any doubt about whether or not a girl is into you romantically, ask her! Don’t be afraid of coming off as annoying or awkward–if things go well between the two of you later down the road (and hopefully they will), then asking now will only help smooth things over when it comes time for dating conversations later down the road.
Finally: listen closely when talking with women! Don’t just think about what YOU want out of this interaction; instead focus on what THEY might need/want from an interaction like this one as well.”

When to Move On
You should also be aware that if you wait too long to make a move, the friend zone might become permanent. If they have shown no interest in dating you and have made it clear that they only want to remain friends, then there is nothing wrong with accepting their decision and moving on.
If they are still interested in being friends but not romantic partners, then focus on the positive aspects of this situation: you can still hang out with them as often as before and enjoy their company without worrying about having sex or getting hurt by rejection!
Tips for Handling Rejection
If you get rejected, don’t take it too personally. If she says she has other plans or doesn’t want to go out with you, remember that she might have had a good reason for saying no. It could be that she’s not interested in dating right now or simply hasn’t clicked with you.
Regardless of the reason why someone doesn’t want to date you, there’s nothing wrong with trying again later on when circumstances are different (or if they change their mind).
If the person rejects your offer of friendship after being turned down romantically, try not to take this rejection personally either–it may just mean they’re not ready yet!
Focus on self-improvement instead of wallowing over what could have been; this way when another opportunity comes along later down the road (and it will), both parties will be better equipped for success because they’ve grown as individuals since then.”
How to Avoid the Friend Zone in the Future
If you want to avoid the friend zone, there are some things you can do. First, be aware of signals early on. If a woman is interested in you romantically and she’s sending out those signals, then make sure that you’re getting them too. If not, it might be time to move on before things go too far down the wrong path.
Secondly: show your romantic interest early on! Don’t wait until after she’s already invested time into her friendship with you–that’s when it becomes harder for her to change her mind about how she feels about you as more than just friends (which is why so many guys get stuck in this situation).
So, what’s the bottom line? The friend zone is a place that no man wants to be. It can be avoided by being honest, confident and respectful when you show your romantic interest in someone. If you want to avoid the friend zone then follow these simple rules:
- Don’t try too hard – don’t send flowers or gifts on a first date; don’t take her out for expensive dates; don’t go overboard with compliments (even if they’re true).
- Be yourself – If she likes you for who you are then there’s nothing wrong with showing your true self from the beginning!
Check out our guide to being a playboy for more great man skill tips.