In the digital age, finding a significant other is easier than ever, thanks to dating apps like Tinder and Bumble that have taken the world by storm. While their positive effects outnumber negative ones, problems for us men have increased ten-fold.
For example, how the heck do you set up your dating app or Tinder profile to make you look your best? How do you make yourself look like a sexy guy, and not an oddball or sex pest? Which pictures should you post? The do’s and don’ts?
It’s all a tad bit overwhelming if you’re just getting started, and that’s natural. That is also why we’re here to help you make the best mens profile pictures for dating apps.
Give the ladies a clear view of your face!
This cannot be stressed enough. We get it, you don’t click as many pictures of yourselves as girls do, but it’s necessary to include profile photos with a clear view of your face. Normally, you’d want to go with the ‘Face and Torso’ rule: your photo should show no more than your face, and your torso. So for all you people skipping leg day, you’re in luck.
Fit checks and blurry pictures just don’t cut it for dating apps, avoid posting them. Also, SMILE MY DUDES! There is nothing more attractive than a smile and including a picture of the same in your dating profile makes you a lot more approachable in an ocean of other guys and women are more likely to swipe right on you.
Special advice for the gymbros, avoid posting a lot of gym selfies or topless pictures, you might be ripped but there is a time and place to flex those muscles. While including one or two shots of you from your last workout is okay (and often attractive), overdoing it might just kill your chances.
Limit the bromance pictures
While including pictures of you and boys having fun – enjoying a night out perhaps – might be tempting, it is not always the right play to make when it comes to setting up your online dating profile. One or two such pictures with friends is fine, and sometimes even necessary as it is suggestive of you being socialized enough to be having fun with others, it can cause a lot of confusion at the same time.
And trust me, people won’t spend their time trying to figure out which one is you in a group selfie of 7-8 dudes.
No matter how funny you think it is, you being semi-naked or wasted from that one time things got crazy with your boys doesn’t really paint the best picture of you. It’s a warning sign for many girls! Same goes for doing foolish, dangerous stuff. You don’t need to include that… just don’t.
The ace wingman
There are three things that make you more attractive to other people:
- Looking happy
- Looking relaxed
- Looking friendly
All you need to achieve all three in ONE photo is your pet. That simple. Post with your pet, be it a cat or a dog (heck, it could even be a turtle!) and that is a great addition to your profile. It shows people that you are loving enough to be taking care of an animal and makes you more likable right off the bat.
Having a pet can give you more street cred in the “serious relationship” department, since pets are a commitment that require nurturing and responsibility. They can also be great conversation starters in profile pictures, as she may send you a message to compliment your adorable pooch, and you can take it from there.

Dial the “noise” to a minimum
The more distractions there are in your photo, the less likely you’ll get a swipe right.
So this goes without saying, you need to eliminate distractions in your picture’s background, especially other people. The the brain has to work to process your picture, the less likely she will like you.
Make sure your images are also all good quality. Be sure the contrast between the background and yourself is strong enough. If you have dark hair, go for a light background. If you have light hair, go for a dark background.
Looking for a great dating app? Check out eHarmony! We think the quality of the women and the lack of crappy profiles sets it apart from many other dating apps. Check out eHarmony for free.
Master the art of manspreading
While some might argue that manspreading, AKA taking up as much space as possible, is a douchebag thing to do, it makes for truly hot dating app pictures. Research has found that expansive postures with arms or legs flung wide makes you more attractive to others. Open body language also makes you seem more approachable, whereas doing something like crossing your arms can make you appear more defensive and insecure.
Expansive poses radiate power and confidence, while “low power” poses convey just the opposite.
Surroundings make or break!
How you look is important, but your appearance isn’t the only thing people will be noticing. When your photo pops up in someone’s feed, you’re going to be judged on everything that’s visible – and that includes everything from your surroundings to what you’re doing in the picture.
To get the best results on dating apps, you need to take a look at the message your photos are sending. It’s called ‘signaling,’ and it’s important to nail it. Use photos that have appealing backgrounds, as opposed to your grungy bathroom wall or messy living room.
If she looks at your dating app photos and thinks, “Wow, there’s a guy I’d like to spend time with,” congrats. You’ve succeeded, she’s swiping right, and our work here is done. Until next time!
If you’re looking for a great site packed full of hot single women, take a look at eHarmony. Packed full of hot single women, and a low ratio of spam accounts (we know how important that is right)… Don’t forget to take an awesome profile pic though 😉